Very slow day here because all of management had a big meeting to go to. I am going to try to stay awake and get some of my projects done. Here is something to make you giggle.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
*Turns Over And Goes Back To Sleep*
I really need to fix my sleeping pattern. I have these very vivid dreams both good and bad and I don't sleep through the night. My office was moved today before I got in. Thankfully I've only been here a few months and I don't have a lot of boxes yet. Yesterday I had an interview for that higher up position. It was really strange because they spent most of the interview praising me for my work than actually interviewing me. I don't want to get my hopes up but I think I definitely have a shot. They said they would be making an offer within two weeks and definitely hiring before the end of the year. It would just make the though of the new year so much better. Either way, things with my current boss are going well.
I am running a fever now so I am going to take some Tylenol and get back to work. Fun stuff.
Iranian President Becomes a Pen-pal to the US
I don't know... It is strange to read a semi-sensible letter written by a person who has committed such atrocities against humanity and women in particular. Not all of it makes sense. It is a very long rambling letter. The crap citing the Qur'an... please... when religion is brought into the equation it is never a good thing. I guess it's just surprising that a person like this could be so clear in understanding possible feelings held by the citizens of the United States. He also states some facts and not all of it is propaganda. Just interesting in my opinion...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Awesome Flightless Vegetarian Sugar Glider
I woke up this morning once again groggy. I am not sleeping well. Too much on my mind. I should stop that. My first meeting of the morning started out slow... only about 3 people were in the room along with 2 people in Europe out of a list of 30 invited. Five minutes in my boss shows up and all of a sudden people start trickling in and suddenly we have this huge meeting. About half way through they mention that they need something done and I volunteer because it's Excel and they need the code for a macro checked for errors because it's not working properly. Takes me like all of two seconds so I volunteered. That set off the guys in the Enterprise Command Center to IN FRONT OF MY BOSS... talk me up.. compliment me.. give thanks for the work I do.. etc etc. I was so embarrassed but extremely pleased. I just turned red and finished writing my notes. But it felt good to be praised in front of my boss. I enjoy working here so much but I don't think he has realized my full potential. Slowly he is starting to realize what I am capable of. Ironically enough, today at 3:00pm I have an interview for another higher up position within the company. I would give anything to continue working for Geoff... but it just doesn't seem to be in the cards.
So, back when I was in high school I participated in many things. I wasn't in the popular crowd.. I just was more.. middle of the road... good girl.. okay grades.. nothing spectacular. But all through high school I was involved in some kind of activity. Mainly dance and colorguard. Dance is pretty self explanatory. Colorguard.. most are not familiar with. Guard is a mix of dance coupled with rifles, flags and sabres (swords). They are mainly seen with marching bands... they perform at half time shows during football season. The most athletic I have ever been was when I was in guard. Throwing a 5lb piece of wood in the air while completing a pirouette into an arabesque may sound and look simple but it is quite the opposite. My first year there they had a new guard director. He asked and received a really big budget for us and in turn he made us into the most popular, most successful colorguard in California for 3 straight years. (I left after the 3rd year.) During the field season (basically the football season), we performed extremely elaborate shows. Chess (Broadway Musical), Sweeney Todd (also Broadway) and finally Cleopatra. Chess was our first taste of becoming really good and really popular. Our costumes were long flowing gowns cut down the middle to allow our legs to move freely. At the end of the show a field filled with 200+ people emptied behind about 10 flags. It had a very dramatic effect. Sweeney Todd featured 16 foot tall flags of a shimmering white fabric. About 30 members of the guard carried them to the center of the field against a blood red drop shaped tarp and out of the middle of the flags came a girl wearing a white and silver gown (the show was about a barber that murders his customers). Cleopatra had pyramid shaped tarps and giant feather fans. That was my last show and it was physically demanding. I was a rifle captain and was also on the sabre line which probably means nothing to anyone who is reading this but it was very hard. We placed first in state all three years out of over 300+ groups.
In the spring it turned to what was called the court season. These were more centered around dance and were highly competitive. We traveled all over the country performing and competing. My last year we performed Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The floor was covered in a black tarp with these giant roll doors... it was fast paced classical music and we placed really high that year. Unfortunately, my parents weren't really involved in my high school days. I don't think they knew exactly how good we actually were. All they seem to remember is that I traveled and practiced a lot so I was gone most of the time. It also cost A LOT of money. Because of this I don't have many pictures from those days. No videos.. just some scrapbook stuff.. and newspaper clippings when we kept winning. I also performed in the Rose Parade which is seen on television across the nation on New Years Day. THAT was nerve racking. For 3 years all I did was dance.. weekends... most of summer vacation.. and afternoons up until 6pm I was practicing. This at least earned me a letterman. Anyway... the only thing I could find of my old colorguard is a show they did after I had graduated. They aren't as good as we used to be because the director has left but it kind of shows what I used to do.
Monday, November 27, 2006
I sleepily got up this morning... Took a shower... dressed for work.. got into the car... pulled out of the garage...... AND IT WAS RAINING!!! I know.. I am stupid right? It was just a drizzle and there is sunshine in the distance but it made so happy! Bring on the cold weather and the rain...
My holiday was wonderful. Well, it was quiet and I needed quiet for a few days. The Broncos lost but... well.. read it for yourself here. Other than that.. not much news to report. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I should know when everything is going to start. Work is quiet and my move is scheduled for Wednesday. I'll be back later.
If I Could Be Any Animal I Would Be A...
...Sugar Gilder!
Over the weekend I got into a discussion with my 5 year old neighbor. He was convinced that if he were a llama life would be "soooo" cool. Why he felt this way I never got out of him... But I thought it was amusing so I am going to play along and act like a 5 year old. I would want to be a sugar glider. They are native to Australia but can now be found in many places as people sometimes keep them as pets. Sugar gliders are basically flying squirrels but much more cute.

While I am extremely afraid of heights, I have a feeling I wouldn't mind it so much if I flaps like these. Jumping from branch to branch and then springing out into another tree. May take some practice... but I could pull it off.

Who wouldn't love a face like that..?? Sugar gliders eat mainly sap, nectar, fruits and veggies. Occasionally..... they... eat bugs... mealworms... grubs...... but that's ok! Maybe I could be a vegetarian sugar glider?

Oh and they are nocturnal. I could enjoy the night life... Plus I would have a nice bushy tail... who wouldn't want one of those?? I bet there is one guy who would love to keep me as a pet.....
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanksgiving Eve
It's a very slow day at work but I don't mind so much. I can catch up on some things and start moving my stuff into my new office. I am not sure why I am being moved. The new office is like an inch bigger if that. Meh. I still didn't sleep much. But now I have a four day weekend to get all the sleep I want...
I have no idea why I like the following band. Very trendy (sort of). But I like this song.
Stay tuned for my boring "What I am most thankful for.." List of the year.
What I Am Thankful For... (A Boring List)
Family, friends and all that jazz.
Puppies, kittens and toddlers. (You know you like em')
The time just before I fall asleep when the breeze comes through the window and I am safe and warm under the covers.
Country Apple Handsoap from Bath and Body Works.
Enjoying the game again and passing the 100 gold mark on one of my WoW characters. (Trust me.. this is a big deal... girl likes to shop)
Butterflies in my stomach at someone's words.
Being able to be myself around my friends with all my sarcastic humor goodness.
Cold, overcast days with a hint of rain on the way. (Don't get many in California... but one can hope.)
Safety and security coupled with freedom and responsibility.
And last but not least............ I am most thankful for my decision to move to Florida. HA! Wasn't expecting that were you? Why is this one the best? If I didn't move to Florida I wouldn't have left my job here in California. I wouldn't have realized that I can make decisions and handle them on my own. Even though I was with someone I was very much alone. If I hadn't moved to Florida I never would have realized that I deserve better, much better, than the person I was with. I thank him though for being the person he was. He opened my eyes to the world outside of my own and I am forever grateful that he did. I wouldn't have found out exactly what I want and more importantly what I don't want in a man and in a relationship. I wouldn't have realized that I was settling for someone else. That I am not going to conform to someone else's personality when I am extremely unhappy doing so. I am also grateful that I admitted defeat and moved back home. I found out who I really am... or at least who I want to be. I am a work in progress.
Happy Thanksgiving...
What I Am Thankful For... (A Boring List)
Family, friends and all that jazz.
Puppies, kittens and toddlers. (You know you like em')
The time just before I fall asleep when the breeze comes through the window and I am safe and warm under the covers.
Country Apple Handsoap from Bath and Body Works.
Enjoying the game again and passing the 100 gold mark on one of my WoW characters. (Trust me.. this is a big deal... girl likes to shop)
Butterflies in my stomach at someone's words.
Being able to be myself around my friends with all my sarcastic humor goodness.
Cold, overcast days with a hint of rain on the way. (Don't get many in California... but one can hope.)
Safety and security coupled with freedom and responsibility.
And last but not least............ I am most thankful for my decision to move to Florida. HA! Wasn't expecting that were you? Why is this one the best? If I didn't move to Florida I wouldn't have left my job here in California. I wouldn't have realized that I can make decisions and handle them on my own. Even though I was with someone I was very much alone. If I hadn't moved to Florida I never would have realized that I deserve better, much better, than the person I was with. I thank him though for being the person he was. He opened my eyes to the world outside of my own and I am forever grateful that he did. I wouldn't have found out exactly what I want and more importantly what I don't want in a man and in a relationship. I wouldn't have realized that I was settling for someone else. That I am not going to conform to someone else's personality when I am extremely unhappy doing so. I am also grateful that I admitted defeat and moved back home. I found out who I really am... or at least who I want to be. I am a work in progress.
Happy Thanksgiving...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hump Day
Newbury Park, CA
Partly Cloudy
Local Time: 08:44
Sunset: 16:49
Current Temperature: 62°F
Low Temperature: 50°F
High Temperature: 72°F
Wind Speed: 4.8 km/h
Monday, November 20, 2006
I didn't see much action over the weekend. But it's okay because that's just what I wanted. Nice quiet weekend. Two more days until Thanksgiving. It is a short week for me. Amgen gives Friday off as well... 4 days of the 4 F's.. nothing but food, football, family and fun. Okay so maybe not the last F but I wanted something cheesy. It should be quiet this year. Help my mom cook and watch the Bronco game... Broncos lost last night... *Big Sad Face* I ventured to the mall yesterday and spent some money. Most of the stores were in heading into the holiday swing. Consumerism at it's best. Sadly I eat it up. I put tons of thought into gifts. If someone asks for a gift card... I get them a little something from that store, the gift card and then a little something else. All neatly wrapped in brown paper and tied with fabric ribbon. One thing I don't like though... It seems around Halloween the Christmas stuff gets put out in stores. I really don't like that... It seems to rush the holiday season and in turn rush the end of the year.
Click Here to view my new best friend. This little baby will be mine very very soon... a sort of Merry Christmas/Happy New Year gift to myself for being such a trooper. (Alright that is just the excuse I am giving.) I am sure I am going flood this site with new pictures. I just can't wait. Okay.. enough dreaming.. back to work....
Friday, November 17, 2006
The Real Funny Friday 2.0 + Music in the Morning
Since I blew my load with the last post I had to come up with something else. For my funny entry I give you Gary the No Trash Cougar. The pretty clip much speaks for itself.
Okay this next video... Bear with me. That's all I ask. My music taste is very very broad. One of my favorite musicians is John Mayer. STOP - I know what you are thinking. "Pop crap." But if you really knew him you would understand he is much more than that. Yes, his first couple albums were crap. Then he came out with "Heavier Things" and explored the world of Blues with The John Mayer Trio. He is an amazing guitar player. An ex boyfriend of mine was dragged to his concert and pretty much pouted the entire time he was there. But then he started to play the lesser known songs that I knew every word to. Most of the crowd sat down or lost interest. But it showed just how well he can play a guitar. Acoustic and Electric. My ex became an instant fan and this is saying a lot of guy who only listens to Led Zepplin and The Doors.
I don't like John Mayer for his popular songs like "Your Body is a Wonderland" *vomit* and "No Such Thing". I like him for "Split Screen Sadness" and "Wheel". When you watch this video try not to feed into so much the words (some lines are good..) but listen to the acoustic guitar. That's all him. This is probably not his best song/video that I love the most. But it is shot on PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) which is about 5 minutes from where I live now through the mountains. It gives you a glimpse of California... Give it a chance at least.
I am not going to say much in this post. I just need to ramble for a bit.
My life has been turned upside down in the past year. Which is good. I needed a change. Maybe not quite so drastic of change... but change nonetheless. I am good right now... good job, good home, etc. Financially I am "meh"... certainly on the road to recovery. Today I have been so odd. I have alot of options open to me. But then on the other hand I feel old. Then I have to slap myself and realize that some of my counterparts at work are 30..32..35+ I am 24... and I've only been here 2, almost 3 months. As far as work and education goes, I could give up. Marry the next guy that asks me and settle down. Don't get me wrong... the biggest thing I wish to achieve is being a wife and a mom. But right now I feel selfish. I could put my social life on hold, I could push people away which I am known to do. I could go off and just worry about me. Go back to school, go back to working on myself first...
I am torn between making a decision and risking the complications. What if I lose everyone in the process of putting myself first? Were they worth it to begin with? If I take that financial hit and go back to school, will I regret it if I marry someone and settle down to be Mrs. Brittany Homemaker? I am an intelligent girl but sometimes I don't think I am exercising that the way I should. I could go back to school and finish my degree. Sense of accomplishment all that crap sounds good. Would people wait for me to get my act straight? I have a lot of thoughts in my head... it's part of the reason I write on this site. I am trying not to get dragged down but it's hard today.
People have said things to me like... you are so amazing that you believed so much in your love and you moved out there but you were smart enough to realize that you should move back. You're willing to go right back to loving someone even though you were hurt. You still believe... You still have faith. WTF does that mean? I was.. completely screwed over. My heart completely broken. It still is broken. But it made me view my life from outside my small scope of the world. It's the same thing for any other girl that has gotten hurt.
Right now... I have that feeling of... I can do this. I can commit to fixing myself and straightening out what I want. I can do this. Question is... will I ever get to the point where I come home to a lap I can lay my head down in?
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Thursday NOT Friday
I was about to post Funny Friday 2.0 but apparently as I just now realized... it is in fact NOT Friday. Crap. Well here is my funny thing for today anyway. My day isn't very exciting so I figured I might as well make people laugh.
This is one of my favorite clips from Family Guy. Note the scoring method that Stewie goes by. Notice he is scoring ACTUAL points - not fake points that he just gives himself! My favorite part though is when he is like UH OH... UH OH.. DO I TAKE IT OUT OR LEAVE IT IN? Lol.. gets me everytime.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Dark and Twisty
Usually when I get to work in the morning I have time to sit down.. close my door... drink some tea... go over my emails. But not today... running from meeting to meeting... Funniest thing ever - Guys arguing during a conference call. No one can hear anything and me in the middle going "Okay guys can we get back on track..?"... Fun stuff.
All last night and most of the morning I have had a severe headache. My doctor wants me to go in but I just don't have the time to take away work. Not that they would keep me from going... but I am just so busy. Okay, that and I hate being poked and prodded. I really wish I just lived somewhere cold and cloudy. *cough* Seattle/Boston. I wish it were dark out during the day. I would be such a happy camper.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Christmas Is Approaching...*
Yes, it is. You can't deny it! Last night I went through my Christmas box to put it into a plastic storage bin. I found my star cookie cutter-like tree topper... christmas rubber duckies... a JOY candle set... peppermint candy tealights... and my solid silver snowman stocking hanger (say that 5 times fast).
While on the subject of Christmas I asked a friend of mine if he enjoyed the holiday. He basically said yes but he added he doesn't really need or want anything this year - at least nothing that can be given as a gift. When I asked him to elaborate he explained that he wants kids, a meaningful relationship, and a better social life, none of which can be given in gift form. As I was falling asleep I kept thinking about what he said. If you could really give those things as a gift... would you? Would you put it on your wish list along with new socks? If it were really that easy... who would you give it to?
On Saturday, my mom and I went an outdoor mall to get a pedicure and shop for various things. I had to wait for her at one point so I sat down on the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. Next to me was a mom and a little girl looking at the water. The little girl (she was not more than 3 years old) said just "wish" and her mom replied "I don't have any pennies." I pulled out a couple pennies and gave it to the mom for the little girl to throw into the fountain. It made her so happy. She tossed them in with this huge smile on her face. As she toddled away.. in that precarious almost going to fall or tip over 3 year old walk.. I was wondering what I would wish more.. if I was that mom or that 3 year old. You're so innocent at 3 but the mom role and responsibility would be so wonderful. In the end I think I decided on being the mom. Hopefully someday...
Back to the whole Christmas thing... my answers for that.. If it were possible to give things like that as a gift, I probably would. I love to give and make people happy. Who would I give it to? The first person would probably be the guy I was talking to about it all. He is geniunely a nice guy, funny and intelligent. After that a couple people who are very close to me. I would just love to see them happy and content. Would I ask for it? Yeah... maybe just to speed things up a bit. If only it were that simple.
*Disclaimer: The person I talk about in this post is not a boyfriend, someone I am dating, someone I am seeing... etc etc. He is in fact what I call him. A friend.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Finally Friday
This has not been a good week. Not a good week at all... I am just going through the motions and trying to get through the day. At least I chose to wear jeans today... no skirt suits and heels... After work I am going to have sushi with Kelly and then off to see Stranger Than Fiction. Hopefully it's good.. here is a preview if you haven't seen it.
I don't think I am going to do much this weekend. Probably try to level my warlock as much as possible. I hit 52 last night.. and even though people (stupid people) don't like her because she is a gnome.. I am enjoying playing her. Mind you I suck pretty badly... I still have fun. Maybe I can bribe Chris or Ian to help me... Kirk is MIA.. wish he would come back. So yeah.. Dance and a pedicure on Saturday. Football Sunday. I am probably going to watch this game because it's Denver @ Oakland. How funny will that game be? Jake the snake better not blow it. Oh man... meeting in 9 minutes. Grr.
Dirty Blonde(r)
In a spurt of trying to make myself feel better... I am going to get my hair highlighted tonight before I go out. Right now I am kind of dull dirty blonde. This means along with blonde highlights I have a lot of just my natural brown hair.. So after tonight I should be more of a true dirty blonde. In and out of bed. HA! Just kidding. I am practically a nun nowadays!
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
In A Funk...
I am not sure what it is... I am just in a funk and can't get out of it this morning. I feel like going for a run but being sick has zapped my energy. Home to bed sounds nice but I have another 6 hours to go. Even then I probably won't go to bed right away. Last night I went through my collection of photo albums and scrapbooks. I found a really nice picture of me on top of this mountain I had just climbed in Malibu where I was a camp counselor for a week during my senior year. I looked... happy.
Anyway... something to make you laugh.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Stop Reading This And Go Vote
Sorry the last couple minutes are blank... but it gets the point across. If you don't vote you have no right to complain. And who doesn't love complainers? Yes, this doofus is our president but wouldn't it be awesome to make him a lame duck? Either way... if you don't get your vote on today... be sure to be prepared in 2008.
This is Brittany Hensley and I approve this message.
Monday, November 6, 2006
"Team Jec lost to Team Rogue"
I was told this weekend by my friends, Kirk and Ian that I was "slacking" on my entries. To this I say "Shut the hell up I am sick." I was pretty much sick all weekend... thought I was better on Sunday but the night ended and I was still feeling awful. Went to the doctor last week, received not good news.. blah blah blah. Life goes on.
Today has started out not so good. A contractor that I set up and had hired passed away suddenly over the weekend. Now I have to go through the process of removing him from the system. How very sad. Work is really busy as my boss was out sick on Friday as well. No one got the message I was out so I had a million voicemails and emails.
On the brighter side... I AM FINALLY MOVED IN! I moved in to the new place on October 1st and was still going through boxes this weekend. I got down to my last box, which by the way was filled with Christmas stuff, and realized I was finished. Stuff is put away, rooms are clean and tidy so I am happy. I am looking into buying a really nice digital camera. I have this urge to go on another trip somewhere and I want to be prepared. Any tips on what I should buy are welcome. I am thinking about either returning to see Boston again or Seattle. I don't think I will take anyone else on the trip... I just feel like being alone. Is that odd? Wanting to go on a vacation from everyone? Anyway, must return to work...
I apologize for my grammar - I am not paying attention.
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Kamber & Derek Petty Wedding Photos
Here is a picture of my sister and her new husband Derek. I am in the process of putting up another album with some of the wedding pictures.
Libra's Horoscope for Today
Oh boo.
While your focus has been on the other people in your life lately, thinking completely about your current relationships is not going to be possible today. But this is a good thing -- it's time to get yourself refocused on who you are as an individual. You may be running the risk of losing yourself in the noise of socializing. Ask yourself honestly whether you're working so hard on friendships and relationships in order to avoid working hard on yourself.
On a complete seperate side note... I found a post I did on September 18th that was a pretty bitchy post... it was deleted... Hmm.. good thing I back up all the time... Must change the password I guess.
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Boring Entry for First of the Month
My tummy is upset! And no, I'm not pregnant. Very busy at work, lots of stuff to do with a lot of phone calls being answered. Trying to budget for some personal travel coming could be making me sick... plus Christmas is around the corner. Tonight I am going to my mom's house to pick up some boxes and then out to dinner with a friend. Then home to bed... hopefully.
And here I thought.. boring post would be it for the day... Oh no! I found something amazingly funny...
The BEST part... is when he hands out Canadian money.... HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA!