Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year/Pre-Moving Day
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Welcome To Amgen Basket
Monday, December 29, 2008
In Loving Memory
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
New Domain
Hey look it's Ian's mom, Maureen. =)

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas From Canada!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Funny Little Coincidence
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
WOW... Weird!
So I was just cleaning up my desk, while I wait to get access to this one system. Moving pictures and stuff around... hanging up calendars, etc. I noticed that my Cuteoverload.com Calendar Ian got me for my birthday had the January 1st day showing. Since I'm on vacation and will be moving that day I decided to flip to January 5th, my first day back. See the picture below I took with my cracked iPhone of the calendar on the left. Recognize it? Look at the post below if you don't... Weird eh? <-- please note the Canadian reference. Very weird.

Better Day
Today should be a much better day. I got into work in 45 minutes... The only bump in the road is that Friday will have a lot of snow dumped on us. I think I will take my laptop home with me tonight just in case.
Tonight we are going to downtown Toronto to pick up the pieces of the desk we chose. I've always wanted this desk... even before I saw it at my sister's house. It's perfect for the set up we need in the 2nd bedroom. We will be getting the corner desktop, the small desktop with legs and 2 or 3 cabinets to support it - all in black.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Please Come In...

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
2 Hours = Hell
Work is going well. I need to brush up on my Excel skills... but I think I'm really going to like it once I get into the swing of things. I have a feeling that I'm going to be really busy which is good. I look forward to being busy and challenged. I think the drive into work will probably be my biggest challenge... When I get about 45 minutes into it, my eyes start to droop. Tomorrow I'm going to get in late to get my SIN (Social Insurance Number) and my health card. I think I only have 10 more days of this drive... and then I get to cut about 15-20 minutes off of it. Instead of taking 3 highways I will be taking just 1.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Day 9 - Buffalo, NY To Kitchener, ON
I'm hoping tonight I can get a good night's sleep and finish settling in tomorrow. Below are the few pictures from today. I will be posting pictures of the new place once we get to see it.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Day 8 - Sterling, VA To Buffalo, NY
We left Casa De Petty this morning and headed through Virginia (left the Mini Coop - can't wait to come back to see him). It was pretty clear most of the way into Pennsylvania and we only hit the heavy stuff in New York. We even considered driving straight to Niagara Falls to cross the border and then head to Ian's home. The GPS said it would only take a couple more hours. But after the storm and the possibility of a big delay at the border... I was done for the day. Tomorrow we head across the border and finish our trip by noon (hopefully). Below our the pictures for the day... Not all that exciting because we're not in them. It was way too cold to stand outside and take pictures. We both were not prepared clothing wise to stand outside for very long. I've pulled out some warmer clothes though so I should be okay for tomorrow. Be sure to click on the pictures to open up the Picasa site. There are a couple videos of the snow... First is in Pennsylvania and the second is from New York... Just crazy for a girl from California.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Day 7 - Cooper Day!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Day 6 - Bristol, TN To Sterling, VA
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Day 5 - Memphis, TN To Bristol, TN
As fun as this trip as been... I think Ian and I are looking forward to staying at my sister's house. It will be nice to not stay in a hotel and see the Cooper Pooper. Speaking of him... my sister says he drools almost constantly and almost has to wear a bib because of it. How awesome is that??? Tomorrow we drive about 300 miles to Sterling, VA and we're going to stay there a couple days. We plan to leave on Friday for Buffalo, NY and then cross the border on Saturday. Hopefully all goes as planned!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Day 4 - Oklahoma City, OK To Memphis, TN
We drove through the rest of Oklahoma and all of Arkansas. I had a lot of anxiety this morning about the weather but surprisingly it was clear all the way. A light wind and some rain but that was it... Nothing like yesterday. Ian drove for part of the way too!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Day 3 - Santa Rosa, NM To Oklahoma City, OK
In the pictures below you will see the giant cross...... It's supposed to be the biggest in the Western Hemisphere but it was just creepy... anyway... moving on. We stopped at a very nice rest stop just before Texola, TX. It had a bunch of old style signs as well as a tornado shelter. Fun stuff. After that we entered Oklahoma.... Let's just say I'm pretty sick of this state. It has been nothing but non-stop freezing wind since we crossed into it. Tomorrow we travel to Arkansas.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Day 2 - Williams, AZ To Santa Rosa, NM
We made it into New Mexico and even crossed the state line as Ian was driving the highway for the first time. He got a taste of road construction and detours. I got him to stop in Gallup, NM but he was done after that. This is probably a good thing as it got very windy after that. It's pretty cold and it's a little odd to see snow amongst the desert brush. Tumbleweeds flew across the road ahead of the car as we drove through Albuquerque. Other than that... it was uneventful. I did as my mom asked and put myself in a couple of the pictures. Ian was forced into them as well... (see the picture in the Shell gas station parking lot =D).
Friday, November 28, 2008
Day 1 - Home To Williams, AZ
In Williams, there is a little snow left on the ground and, to me, it's extremely cold - actual temperature 31 degrees. Below are some of the pictures we took along the way. Most were taken by Ian out of the car windows... so blame him for the bad ones. More tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Rain And The Rainbow
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I'm slowly emptying my house. My room and bathroom are filled with echos because there just isn't the same amount of stuff sitting around. Today I took down all of the pictures and filled the holes in the wall. I can't imagine moving a full house. I have a small place... and I have accumulated so much crap. If I had any question of where my money has gone... it has been answered for sure. I can't wait to be settled. I can't wait to share my life with someone, especially because that someone is Ian.
Thankfully, he is going to be okay with me crying a lot this week and up until I leave. I'm sad to leave my mom. This is all a part of life though. You grow up... you move away (granted this is unfortunately not a short distance).. you create a family of your own... and life goes on. I have the best mom though. She raised me right. She's let me make my own mistakes and learn from them. The other day when I needed her to voice everything that was going on in my head she did. I'm having HUGE changes all going on at once. I'm taking a big risk AGAIN... but at the same time I'm engaged to the most wonderful guy. She said it perfectly... you're going to cry, you're going to be upset, you're going to be frustrated... I am almost all of those things all the time.
I went to the doctor on Monday because I got to work and just started shaking with anxiety. Interviewing people for your own position is weird and it's been stressful for me. On one hand, I care deeply about my team and the work I do. I want someone who can step in almost seamlessly. I worry about getting someone in my position that will let my team down. On the other hand, I'm leaving. It's not my problem and it's out of my hands if anything goes wrong. It's been stressful to screen people and set up interviews... I'm trying to prepare my electronic files to make the transition easier. This is on top of my normal day to day tasks and I'm also doing a bit of training for my new job. I'm definitely going to miss my team... but I'm really going to miss Emily and Amanda. I've gotten to know them better over the last few months and it's been great. I actually take lunch now instead of sitting at my desk and working through. They are really nice people; I wish that I had gotten to know them sooner.
I'm extremely excited to get started in my new job. I really think that I can bring a ton of help to my new team. That being said.... I'M SCARED TO DEATH TO DRIVE IN THE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I have work tomorrow. I should get some sleep. I can't change the process I must go through. I can't rush the government. I can't control the weather. I can't force my heart to slow down when it starts to race with anxiety. I can't control the sadness I will feel when I finally move away. But I can control the positive and negative thoughts that run through my head. This was all meant to be. So whatever happens, happens. /keeps repeating it until my stupid subconscious believes it.
I've been listening to a lot of Barenaked Ladies lately. It reminds me of Canada and it's also a good pick me up. I would absolutely love to go to another concert of theirs. The video is from BNL's annual Ships and Dip cruise. Life, In A Nutshell... *love* it. "When we're separated, we're never alone but still... It's never enough... No, it's never enough".