Obama's Celebrity Cred: A new McCain ad calls Obama a celebrity (true) who says he'll raise taxes on electricity (false).
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Dear Republicans...
So, a McCain Ad Calls Obama 'Biggest Celebrity In The World'. It's funny... they're almost acting scared of Obama. I especially like the Obama rep quote. I remember around the time of the nominations I was talking to a man I work with. He said who did you vote for? I said Obama. He said "Hmm.. that's cause you're young". He insinuated that just because I was young I was being tricked by Obama's campaign and not seeing Hillary or McCain for their truth worth. I wanted to respond back (but didn't for politeness reasons) "and your generation has done enough to screw up this country - thanks". That kind of thinking... 'oh you're young...' is exactly how McCain is.. he's old, he comes from a different generation of people with old values. Clearly the old policies and values aren't working. Bush has old values. Nuff' said.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Cuil Is Not Pronounced Cool
I don't care what they say... Cuil will never be pronounced 'cool' and no one will ever say "I just cuil'ed it".
Ex-Google Engineers Debut 'Cuil' Way To Search
Ex-Google Engineers Debut 'Cuil' Way To Search

Friday, July 25, 2008
The Whispering World
On Kotaku's site I found a link to a new website for a game coming out in Q4 2008 called The Whispering World. It just looks so interesting and beautiful. Bravo, Daedalic Entertainment & their German site designers, bravo. After browsing for just a few minutes, I already think I'm going to get it when it comes out. Don't even get me started on the main character's companion, Spot! I just hope the game lives up to the theme and the incredible screenshots...

Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Vacation That Never Was
I am sad to say that I have to cancel my plans of a surprise mini vacation with Ian in August. It was going to be perfect... but since my surgery is on August 21st... I just can't. I was going to arrange for us to drive up to San Francisco for a weekend... spend a day or so doing the tourist thing and then on the 23rd go to see Play! A Video Game Symphony. I think it would be pretty interesting to see. Geeky... but interesting. Ian gave me the idea when we watched the video of the E3 Nintendo Press Conference. He was able to identify the music that the suits from the company were playing in Wii Music - some Mario Bros. theme I think... I've always wanted to go to see a classical symphony... and this way Ian probably wouldn't be THAT bored. I emailed the contact for the orchestra... and they said San Francisco is the only California date set in the near future. I guess it's good I hadn't bought tickets yet. Oh well, maybe they will come around again next year.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Another Awesome Bush Comment
Wall Street got drunk – it’s one of the reasons I asked you to turn off your TV cameras. It got drunk and now it’s got a hangover. The question is: how long will it sober up.
-- "President" Bush at a closed Republican Fund-Raiser last week
Making Plans...
The good news is that I finally got my surgery scheduled. The bad news is that it is not as soon as I had hoped. The front office staff of my surgeon is helpful... but not that bright. They commit to things and then never follow through. After leaving several messages, I finally reached the surgical coordinator. I expected some amount of recognition in her voice when I told her my name... zip, zero, zilch, nada. I am convinced that I need to switch to the more expense plan. I just pray I never have to go through this mess again.
I'm really just not used to it. I have been with Kaiser for my entire life. With them, everything is electronic. When you call someone they can just pull up your record and all of the information they need is right in front of them. At one point my current doctor called me up and asked if I had my gallbladder removed yet............... Aren't YOU supposed to know that...? All in all it's been a frustrating experience.
Even if I was the kind of person who would complain and make a big scene... it's the last thing I would want to do because they would probably treat me worse...
Good news on the work front... I nailed a presentation yesterday and I've been asked to assist in another meeting speaking on the same topic. I also will be meeting with a woman that works at Amgen Canada. Unfortunately, it's right after my surgery but I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I should get back to work. Feeling guilty is like.. my middle name these past few days.

I'm really just not used to it. I have been with Kaiser for my entire life. With them, everything is electronic. When you call someone they can just pull up your record and all of the information they need is right in front of them. At one point my current doctor called me up and asked if I had my gallbladder removed yet............... Aren't YOU supposed to know that...? All in all it's been a frustrating experience.
Even if I was the kind of person who would complain and make a big scene... it's the last thing I would want to do because they would probably treat me worse...
Good news on the work front... I nailed a presentation yesterday and I've been asked to assist in another meeting speaking on the same topic. I also will be meeting with a woman that works at Amgen Canada. Unfortunately, it's right after my surgery but I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I should get back to work. Feeling guilty is like.. my middle name these past few days.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Too True
Agent B over at the Minus World tells it like it is with his post "The 5 Most Embarrassing Moments of Nintendo's E3 Conference". I really don't want to hear about an exciting new video game from a suit. It would be nice if they had someone else bring out the new content. I don't want to hear from someone who is faking a smile and barely knows how to operate the thing because they've only been playing it for a week. Hell, I'd settle for a developer of the damn game. It was painfully obvious that the audience wasn't there to see a Wii Sports 2 demo. The kinds of people and media that go to a gaming conference want quality games that aren't for the average casual gamer. Don't get me wrong.. I might rent or even buy Wii Sports to get the Wii MotionPlus attachment.. but I don't think I can take another video of an E3 presser that makes me feel awkward and embarrassed for the people in the audience.

Monday, July 21, 2008
Interesting Wiki Article
The Wiki-Hacker Strikes Again
It is obvious that corporations would want to edit Wikipedia to their liking but it's nice to see someone wants to unmask the lies.
It is obvious that corporations would want to edit Wikipedia to their liking but it's nice to see someone wants to unmask the lies.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wrath of the Lich King beta has started and invitations are going to go out. It would be so great to be involved in beta. I think because now I kind of know how things work... it would be really interesting.
The non-disclosure agreement has been dropped so there is a ton of information to look at. Most interesting to me is the achievements section. Ian says there is a vanity pets section......!
I'm also looking forward to the new enchants added to the game. I've gotten all the major ones: mongoose, boars, potency, dexterity... It will be nice to have a new enchanting goal.
While not a whole lot came out of E3, we did find out that there will be a Star Wars MMO. I'd actually be kind of interested in playing another MMO if it looks good. Ian still needs to get me to see the movies...
The concept art for Tomb Raider: Underworld looks amazing. I enjoyed playing the last one. I will admit I used a walk-through for parts but it was fun nonetheless. It's probably crazy that I like this game because it's full of "video game moves". But I remember the first time I played a Tomb Raider game. I chose the option to go into the mansion "gym"... I loved to bounce around and make my own little mini game out of it. Since it's coming for the Wii I might consider getting it.
And one small mention... nothing was announced at E3 for the DS that I found exciting. But the screens for National Geographic Panda look oh so cute!
Just a reminder.... MATH IS DELICIOUS! (now with more integers!)
The non-disclosure agreement has been dropped so there is a ton of information to look at. Most interesting to me is the achievements section. Ian says there is a vanity pets section......!
I'm also looking forward to the new enchants added to the game. I've gotten all the major ones: mongoose, boars, potency, dexterity... It will be nice to have a new enchanting goal.
While not a whole lot came out of E3, we did find out that there will be a Star Wars MMO. I'd actually be kind of interested in playing another MMO if it looks good. Ian still needs to get me to see the movies...
The concept art for Tomb Raider: Underworld looks amazing. I enjoyed playing the last one. I will admit I used a walk-through for parts but it was fun nonetheless. It's probably crazy that I like this game because it's full of "video game moves". But I remember the first time I played a Tomb Raider game. I chose the option to go into the mansion "gym"... I loved to bounce around and make my own little mini game out of it. Since it's coming for the Wii I might consider getting it.
And one small mention... nothing was announced at E3 for the DS that I found exciting. But the screens for National Geographic Panda look oh so cute!
Just a reminder.... MATH IS DELICIOUS! (now with more integers!)

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Please Don't Eat The Daisies*
*Bunnehs excluded.
So, I met with the surgeon yesterday and he decided I was ready for surgery. Now I have to wait for a referral slip in the mail and then call the surgical coordinator to schedule it. It will most like be the last week of June or the first week of August. Of course, he scared me with the whole... liver injury, kidney injury, lung injury precautionary talk... But it was sort of overrided by the fact that on the way down to my appointment I was going through SEVERE pain and had to take a vicodin. I asked him if it could be done sooner... and basically he said the longer we wait the less chance of it being difficult to take out.
In summary, 2 weeks then surgery, then flight to Virigina, then flight home to pick up Ian. If I can just get through this month I'll be good.

So, I met with the surgeon yesterday and he decided I was ready for surgery. Now I have to wait for a referral slip in the mail and then call the surgical coordinator to schedule it. It will most like be the last week of June or the first week of August. Of course, he scared me with the whole... liver injury, kidney injury, lung injury precautionary talk... But it was sort of overrided by the fact that on the way down to my appointment I was going through SEVERE pain and had to take a vicodin. I asked him if it could be done sooner... and basically he said the longer we wait the less chance of it being difficult to take out.
In summary, 2 weeks then surgery, then flight to Virigina, then flight home to pick up Ian. If I can just get through this month I'll be good.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Stormwind Harbor
Pretty cool... I especially like the underwater worker. I like that they are going to show it as it progresses...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Gallbladders, iPhones and Ian
I'm back to the land of the living I guess. Three weeks ago I woke up with dull pain that quickly turned into the "Unbearable Pain of Dying". Turns out I have several gallstones and need to have surgery. They can't do the surgery right away because I have an infection. Once that clears up, I will most likely have surgery in the next week or so. I will know more tomorrow. Either way, gallbladders are lame.
I sold a piece of my soul to the devil named Apple. I broke down and was forced at gunpoint to buy the new iPhone. I really just got tired of the Treo and found out that I needed the same data plan as the iPhone to make it work. So, I rationalized it all and ended up standing in line for a couple hours to get one. I am impressed so far. It does everything I wanted it to and more. It will replace my current iPod that isn't doing too good... it flips out and moves the volume up and down randomly. The service isn't exactly perfect everywhere I go. The GPS feature doesn't seem to be working on mine as well. But I'm sure I can get these kinks worked out. Most importantly though... it's pretty. See below.
Ian's visit went really well of course... It felt like every day life after awhile. He was here for 2 weeks... When he left it was like this big empty hole had opened up. I'll see him again in a month but it's not the same. It felt very weird to have to talk to him over msn or on the phone. There are just no words that describe when I climb the stairs in my house and open my door to an empty bedroom. It still upsets me a day later. Meh.. maybe tomorrow will be better.
I sold a piece of my soul to the devil named Apple. I broke down and was forced at gunpoint to buy the new iPhone. I really just got tired of the Treo and found out that I needed the same data plan as the iPhone to make it work. So, I rationalized it all and ended up standing in line for a couple hours to get one. I am impressed so far. It does everything I wanted it to and more. It will replace my current iPod that isn't doing too good... it flips out and moves the volume up and down randomly. The service isn't exactly perfect everywhere I go. The GPS feature doesn't seem to be working on mine as well. But I'm sure I can get these kinks worked out. Most importantly though... it's pretty. See below.

Ian's visit went really well of course... It felt like every day life after awhile. He was here for 2 weeks... When he left it was like this big empty hole had opened up. I'll see him again in a month but it's not the same. It felt very weird to have to talk to him over msn or on the phone. There are just no words that describe when I climb the stairs in my house and open my door to an empty bedroom. It still upsets me a day later. Meh.. maybe tomorrow will be better.

Monday, July 7, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
What I Did On My Summer Vacation
I had some fun with clay. I made the black eyed Yeti and Pintsize. Ian made the white eyed Yeti... plus a nose!