Monday, September 29, 2008
Funny... as I went to write this post I started to feel anxious... WTF! Anyway, I'm better. I think I'm doing much better than I have been lately. Instead of feeling anxious constantly, I only have short periods of it. My heart rate will raise and I will become acutely aware of how fast it is. Then I have a little difficulty breathing... I tell myself to just stop it. Everything is okay. And if not, everything WILL be okay.
I want a Quatchi. You might say to yourself "What on earth is a Quatchi?". Well I'm here to tell you... it's the most awesome mascot ever. Ian was kind enough to take a picture of a stuff Quatchi for me.
I want a Quatchi. You might say to yourself "What on earth is a Quatchi?". Well I'm here to tell you... it's the most awesome mascot ever. Ian was kind enough to take a picture of a stuff Quatchi for me.

Friday, September 26, 2008
The Iced Tea Incident
Not a good way to start off your morning. I go to get my usual cup of Iced Tea from the Marketplace downstairs... something happens and my right side... jeans, shoes, inside my shoes, part of my sweater... are doused with freshly brewed Iced Tea. /sigh

Bordering Countries Does Not A VP Make
YES - Gimme more! Keep stumbling over your words and proving you're an idiot. You have no business being Vice President... much less President. YES.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Go Lucky Fish
The other day I went to dinner with my mom and Erik. In the front of the restaurant there was a salt water tank with the happiest fish... Please excuse the fuzzy iPhone pictures...
He gave me his profile when I tried to get a better shot...
So, yeah. I've been gone. I'm back. There are various reason for this. I've been dealing with anxiety and a fast heart rate. I honestly don't know how people deal with heart issues. It makes me feel TERRBILE when my pulse is racing. I don't feel good, I get this abnormal fear of death and nothing calms me down. Although, I have now discovered bubble baths seem to relax me. This is a first... before it was just nice to soak in warm water but this can sometimes slow my heart rate down. Needless to say, I bought a bunch of bedtime baby bath bubbles (YEAH!) and broke out the votives. Now all I really need to do is create a playlist for my iPhone that isn't filled with Heavy Metal or odd Coldplay music.
Various tidbits to mention: 15 days or so until my trip to Canada 16 days or so until my interview, 26 days until I get a SackBoy burlap pouch, 0 days until I'm disappointed that I can't get a Frost Wrym pet because I slacked on getting the Collector's Edition of WotLK, 90 days until Christmas, and 1 day-ish until it's Friday. Anyway, here's a picture of me holding the Coopster. Yes, he thinks he's people and he so isn't. That jacket still smells like him and I don't want to wash it. Babies smell awesome. Most of the time.
He gave me his profile when I tried to get a better shot...

So, yeah. I've been gone. I'm back. There are various reason for this. I've been dealing with anxiety and a fast heart rate. I honestly don't know how people deal with heart issues. It makes me feel TERRBILE when my pulse is racing. I don't feel good, I get this abnormal fear of death and nothing calms me down. Although, I have now discovered bubble baths seem to relax me. This is a first... before it was just nice to soak in warm water but this can sometimes slow my heart rate down. Needless to say, I bought a bunch of bedtime baby bath bubbles (YEAH!) and broke out the votives. Now all I really need to do is create a playlist for my iPhone that isn't filled with Heavy Metal or odd Coldplay music.
Various tidbits to mention: 15 days or so until my trip to Canada 16 days or so until my interview, 26 days until I get a SackBoy burlap pouch, 0 days until I'm disappointed that I can't get a Frost Wrym pet because I slacked on getting the Collector's Edition of WotLK, 90 days until Christmas, and 1 day-ish until it's Friday. Anyway, here's a picture of me holding the Coopster. Yes, he thinks he's people and he so isn't. That jacket still smells like him and I don't want to wash it. Babies smell awesome. Most of the time.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Stop The War
Because the men and women who fight this war are killing themselves. One of the thousands of reasons why...
Fort Drum Highlights Suicide Prevention
Fort Drum Highlights Suicide Prevention
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Palin Is Dangerous
I honestly believe that if she gets elected... there will be serious harm done to human beings across multiple countries. She has no idea what she is talking about... she is continuing George Bush's legacy of sabre rattling. She blatantly uses religion as a reason to go to war. I am not religious. I have my own views on things... but I am all for people having the right to hold their ideas - even if I don't agree with it. However, in no way should religion be used as an excuse to go to war. Palin has repeatedly said that the Iraq war is "God's will" and who are we to question God's will. We don't need another war. We don't need another administration that talks big, carries a big stick and isn't afraid of putting innocent lives at risk. We did that for the last 8 years... and look where we have ended up. Our economy has gone down the drain, not only are American soliders dying but innocent citizens of other countries as well, and we have NOTHING to show for our multiple billion dollar war. Osama Bin Laden - STILL. NOT. IN. IRAQ. Palin embodies everything we don't need... and everything that would make it much worse. Read here for more reasons why Palin is dangerous...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Love His Response
McCain/Palin Get Hung Up On The Little Things (however untrue they may be... Obama says Spare me your phony outrage... LOVE IT.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Anxiety /sadface
I'm battling through some anxiety right now. I think it's being caused by the new medication my doctor put me on. She gave me Advair for my asthma and for a time it seemed to be working. Then Friday night and Saturday morning I had some severe reactions... fast heart rate, anxiety, depression... I was just so over being sick. After I came to the conclusion that it just had to be the Advair, I stopped taking it and felt a little better. Sunday evening and this morning, I'm pretty anxious... heart is hovering around the high 90s... which of course effects my breathing. All in all it is just turning me into a hypochondriac. I hate it. I just want to be healthy and back to normal. I have this extreme fear of death right now. I've put so much stress on Ian by just being sick. This is not helping.
Either way, I think I'm still having a stroke of luck. I have a face to face meeting with the hiring manager for the position I applied for in Canada. She was extremely nice on the phone and it's a job I know I could do and do well. Ian and I are going to take a mini-vacation to Niagara Falls while I'm there. We are staying at the Great Wolf Lodge. Aside from all of this... it's September and slowly becoming turning to the fall season.
Anyway, I better get back to work... and try to calm down a bit.
Either way, I think I'm still having a stroke of luck. I have a face to face meeting with the hiring manager for the position I applied for in Canada. She was extremely nice on the phone and it's a job I know I could do and do well. Ian and I are going to take a mini-vacation to Niagara Falls while I'm there. We are staying at the Great Wolf Lodge. Aside from all of this... it's September and slowly becoming turning to the fall season.
Anyway, I better get back to work... and try to calm down a bit.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Back To Life
I survived my gallbladder surgery and I'm pretty much back to normal-ish. I have my good days and my bad days. Today is a bad day. For one... I'm in a ton of pain. The incision right above my belly button is hurting like crazy. Not to mention, the incision that is like a 2nd belly button is burning. I'm told it's a normal event while healing. Another reason today is bad... Ian got on a stupid plane and went back to stupid Canada. Okay, Canada isn't stupid. Canada is awesome.
Speaking of Canada, I'm considering a wonderful opportunity at the Mississauga location of Amgen. It's a position that honestly I would completely rock. It would challenge me... and keep me busy. I don't fit all of the requirements but I'm hoping that they can see through that fact. AC work for me is an absolute cake walk. The side projects I take on have a chance to keep me challenged... but they aren't rocket science either. I want a position that I can own... I was thinking last week about it... It would seriously be FUN for me to organize and get the process down. I could do this job and do it well. I'm going to pursue it this week.
Check out this video from Coldplay... It drives Ian insane because it doesn't make any sense... but I think it's awesome!!
Speaking of Canada, I'm considering a wonderful opportunity at the Mississauga location of Amgen. It's a position that honestly I would completely rock. It would challenge me... and keep me busy. I don't fit all of the requirements but I'm hoping that they can see through that fact. AC work for me is an absolute cake walk. The side projects I take on have a chance to keep me challenged... but they aren't rocket science either. I want a position that I can own... I was thinking last week about it... It would seriously be FUN for me to organize and get the process down. I could do this job and do it well. I'm going to pursue it this week.
Check out this video from Coldplay... It drives Ian insane because it doesn't make any sense... but I think it's awesome!!
Ian and I had a good Sunday... We got some take out and rented Juno. I wished we had watched that movie sooner. It was really, really good. Just an all around enjoyable movie... I liked it so much that I'm keeping the rental. See, I don't know why I even bother with Blockbuster. I've rented 3 times there and kept all 3 items. Anyway, I'm going to go lay down and be sad that Ian is gone. Here is the song from the end of the movie called Anyone Else But You... I'm even including the lyrics because it's so sweet.
You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on you're back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
We both have shiny happy fits of rage
I want more fans, you want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
You are always trying to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me
So why can't, you forgive me?
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
Du du du du du du dudu
Du du du du du du dudu
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you