Friday, July 31, 2009
Yay Random Long Weekend
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Julie & Julia
I {Heart} Lockets
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ian Wants A Lego House
Anyway, Ian found out today that one of the hosts is going to build a full size house out of Legos. I'm going to start taping that show... James May's Toy Stories. It's too awesome to pass up.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Lovely New Banner
As you can see there is a new banner at the top of the page... after a few tweaks Ian and I felt this one matches us the best.
In other news... someone needs to keep me off of etsy. I'm considering have this dress made. /sigh
Thursday, July 23, 2009
We're Not Doing This...
Cadillac Ranch
It was VERY cold.
Erik went to the ranch on his way back from a rocket launch recently. Most of our writing is gone... you can kind of see some yellow from our writing.
He wrote over our section. Needless to say, he was a little more prepared than us... The ranch has such a high turnover of vistors that it's not really surprising ours is gone. Erik painted his, walked up and down the row to look at other cars and during that time someone painted over his fresh paint!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thank You For Your Reservation
Summer Cleaning
Update - Mission: Game Over
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
My Love For...
Pixar Short Films
Boo! They disabled embedding for this first video... so here is an ugly link for you to click.... Partly Cloudy.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I Want Little Sox On My Hat
Ian and I went to our first Boston Red Sox game this afternoon. Unfortunately they lost but it was a lot of fun. Perfect weather... the dome was open and just a little bit of sun peaking through the clouds.
In preparation for the game we got matching Red Sox hats... Ian used to have one but it's probably too big on him now. They didn't have an adjustable version of the hat that has 2 little red socks on it. Boo.
Side view of Rogers Center...
I really should have taken more pictures of the field but we were just so excited to be there I forgot... This is Varitek and Ellsbury warming up.
One of my favorite Red Sox players - Jacoby Ellsbury up to bat.
This is us waiting in the car for more than an hour to get out of the parking garage. The smiles are a lie.
And yes... I'm mildly stupid.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Mission: Game Over
I'm so freaking excited for We Cheer 2 to come out. But... with all the interruptions (work, DDR, walking pneumonia...) I haven't been able to progress as far as I would like through the first We Cheer. Today starts Mission: Game Over. I *will* beat the game by the time We Cheer 2 comes out. It's slated for this fall which is right around the corner. (Ian just might die during this mission - due to bleeding from the ears - but that's a risk I'm willing to take). Click on the image below for a list of my objectives.
Once I have an official date for We Cheer 2 I'll start a countdown. Now, I just have to roll up my sleeves and get to work!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My Mind Is Going...
I'm over being this tired. I wake up exhausted... like muscle fatigue type exhausted. It could be that I'm not taking in enough oxygen and I need the steroids to kick in to open up my lungs... but this is getting really old, really fast. I'm dying to play We Cheer. Can't wait until We Cheer 2 comes out.

Monday, July 13, 2009
Stuff I Miss About California

2. Murphy, Scottie and Erik - in that order =P

3. Target - I would give anything to have a Target in Canada. Their "version" of Target is called Zellers. It has the same layout... but it's not even close. I would love to just to wander the aisles of Target... /sigh

4. Sushi - To be honest I haven't tried Canadian Sushi... I heard it's not the best. I've been craving Cho Cho San. Plus... I would think that California would be able to get fresh fish easier than Ontario, Canada.

5. Joann's - I'm not sure if there is a Joann's in Canada but all I have seemed to find is Michael's and a very odd place called Len's Mills. Michael's never has what I'm looking for and Len's Mills is... just odd. A giant basement full of fabric and a top floor filled with Dollar Store-like items. Joann's always had a good mix of items.
6. Regular Discovery Channel - We get the Canadian version and it's not the same. For one... we are about 2 weeks behind in Deadliest Catch episodes. They don't run marathons either. Also, we didn't get the Billy Mays show called Pitchmen. Thankfully I got to watch it in Virginia.
7. Italian Delis - I have not found a true Italian deli where we live and I miss a good turkey sandwich. There is a polish bakery close to us that sells sandwiches but they just started selling them and they don't have specific sandwiches you can pick from. When you ask for a sandwich they first offer you a hot beef sandwich called a Portuguese Bifana. Uhm, no.
8. Disneyland - There is nothing like Disneyland near us and I miss it so much. The closest theme park is called Canada's Wonderland... but it's more like a Six Flags Theme Park and Ian and I don't really do rollercoasters.

9. KTLA or KABC News - I miss the standard 2 anchor nightly television news. I'm sure there is a channel with this format but I haven't been able to find it.
10. Gas pump nozzles that have a stay-on lever - I didn't know what to call it but the thing that allows you to pump gas but walk away and clean the windshield or something. Every station I go to here does not have them. Some have the lever but not the notch that allows you to keep it on. Sometimes I just want to walk away and wipe off my windshield or get back in the car when it's freezing out. It's a little thing but I do miss it.
Anyway, this is a short list and I have a lot more that I miss but I like it here. I'll probably do an updated "Weird Stuff about Canada" post. There's a lot of weird stuff going on!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I Have Pneumonia But Not...

Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Cooper and Ian - Who's Babysitting Whom?

He's SO close to walking on his own. Sometimes he stands up by himself without holding onto something but then falls over when he realizes he is.
Kamber wanted me to take a video of Cooper walking and only holding one of her hands. It was following a nap and a diaper change. This was the result.
But then he got a binky and all he wanted to do was run.
Our Trip - In Numbers
In Kilometers: 1546
Times I almost fell asleep while driving: 3
Hours Spent Driving: 19.5
Taxidermy Billboard Ads: 5
"Menopause the Musical" Billboard Ads: 5
Times Ian and I said or thought "Wow, I hope no one lives there": Too many to count
Alpaca Farms: 2
"Travel at your own risk" Road Signs: 1
Cinnamon Dolce Lattes drank by Ian: 4
Turtles on side of road: 2
People on riding lawnmowers: Too many to count
Times Cooper bit me on the toe: 1
Diapers changed by Brittany: 4
Diapers changed by Ian: 0.5 (only because he couldn't redress him)
Cheerios stuck at times to Cooper's face: Too many to count
Number of Star Snacks spilled in what is now known as "The Star Incident": You don't want to know. (possibly 17,542)
Episodes of Deadliest Catch watched: 15-20+
Naps taken by Cooper: 3
Naps taken by Ian: 3 (see the correlation?)
Trips to the pond: 2
Turtles seen at pond: 0 (boo)
Pair of sneakers left at Kamber's house: 1
Number of times Ian and I said we miss Cooper since leaving: Too many to count