Sunday, October 18, 2009

Got My Craft On Today...

I did the crafty thing today and it was a lot of fun. Got some help from Ian too... (thank you from your mathematically challenged fiance). I would love to show you what I made but it's for the wedding. Here's a little sneak peek.

Did you know there has been a revolution in the world of stamps? I didn't either. Awhile back I went to Michael's to look at getting some stamps. I walked up and down the aisles for a bit looking for the standard wooden block stamps. I finally found a very small section of them. Confused I looked around and saw this huge display of clear "stuff". The "stuff" turned out to be this:

Sorry for the fuzzy/tilted to the right picture (I'm sure Amanda cringes when she looks at my photos). But as you can sort of see... the revolution has been a move to clear plastic stamps. You buy an acrylic block and attach the stamps to that. When you're done, you just peel the stamps off and wash them. A bonus to this is that you can look through the block and see the exact place you're going to stamp. My only problem is figuring out how to easily store the "pages" of stamps I now own.


Megan said...

I had no idea stamps had evolved into this! I'm going to have to check this out.

Amanda Rae said...

I do not cringe! I'm about to post some not so pro photos on my blog soon!

Anonymous said...

Love it! You are so crafty!!