Monday, June 7, 2010

We Bought A House!

Well... a pile of dirt that a house is going to go on! I don't think it's really sunk in... but a year from today... if all goes as planned we will be in our newly built house! Crazy!

Here are a few shots of what the site looks like now. They have started to put in the roads and have finished taking out any trees. The good news is that the area was farm land so most of the trees were already gone. Most of the woodlots surrounding the area are protected. So it will be pretty for awhile~

We drove a little bit up the hill and we think that our house will be roughly in this general area. It's really hard to tell... I wasn't brave enough to start driving on the construction roads just yet.

We picked a corner lot... and the good news is that our neighbor to the left is a bungalow. So our second story will look out onto their roof and not into their windows.

Overall, very exciting. Ian and I are really happy that our hard work to get to this point appears to be paying off. So many life events tucked into a few months. The only part is that it kills me that Erik isn't here to give his opinion... Those that know him would know he would be allllllllll over this. The crappy part being.. his opinions would probably be all correct. (I wouldn't tell him that of course.... but it's true!). I can only hope that he is watching over us and helping us make the right choices. I expect him to be "on site" when they put in the wiring to make sure they do it right! (Don't worry, we are upgrading to the 200amp panel!)

This is tiny... but this is the elevation we picked. I don't mind it... I just need to get into the brick and siding choices before I really like it.

Stay tuned for more construction pictures as we get closer and closer to being settled! Oh and look for more polls on here... I envision some extra help deciding styles and upgrades to get. Yay!


Megan said...

I am so excited for you! And there's not a doubt in my mind that Erik is overseeing the entire construction process!

Anonymous said...

WOW, congrats to you both!!

Marriage, and now a house! You've got so much going for you guys right now, it's so exciting!!

I cant wait to see more photos up and hear more about all that your getting/ideas for the house!!!

You both deserve this so much!!

Emily said...

Congrats! That is so awesome! I can't wait to see more pictures.

Anonymous said...

Sooo Interestingly enough, a friend of mine stumbled upon your blog while googling Losani Homes and the Cedarwood!

My husband and I just happened to purchase a house about a mere 4 away from yours! (Lot 98) so I thought I would introduce myself, seeing as we're pretty much going to be neighbours!

PS. You can totally drive on the roads, we've done it quite a few times, curbs are in and it's all nice and compact (my hubby works in Construction so he knows.. haha)

Also your kiddos are adorable.
