Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Landscaping Day 5: Surprise Progress

We left the house this morning hoping that the dark clouds wouldn't rain TOO much on our parade. We came home expecting nothing to be done... but the landscapers had definitely been here! The wall on the right side is almost complete. As you can see, there is a huge mound of gravel in the back. It's super muddy from the rains but they seem to have gotten a lot done. 

Here is a view from the side. 

You might be able to see some boxes in the front of the bobcat. I hopped through the mud to find out what they were. Apparently, they are the parts for the pondless waterfall. Awesome!

It isn't supposed to rain tomorrow - much. Hopefully we can answer the same question that Ian has asked me 10 times since we've been home. "What are they going to do next???"

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